PIC is a complete set of commercial decision indicators designed to drive sustainable business value using universally applicable impact indicators. PIC can import data from any digital ESG tool if the data is compatible with the requested information.
Because the PIC Rating ® is designed to be materially significant and universally comparable, there is a baseline that has to be applied in the same way in order to create meaningful like for like value comparisons.
Entities can add extra items and choose elements to invest effort.
Full value chain transparency becomes possible using clear decision-useful impact and financial data. Embedded risks become visible and impact mitigations and adaptations can be managed thoughtfully in areas of high impact enabling enterprise level sustainable value.
No-one is perfect. PIC is not about perfect or compliance, it is about rewarding commercial entities who have a positive impact overall. It is by design a positive experience for suppliers to evolve their company over time using positive impact as a strategic value driver.
Full impact visibility will become a mandatory requirement. Our advice is to encourage adoption, let suppliers showcase what they are good at across their own enterprise, build completeness over time and gradually divest suppliers who refuse to become impact transparent.
Data is self reported to a cloud based host server. The service fee includes data storage. The data owner updates their input data and the PIC Foundation captures trends & analytics. The PIC framework is modular and can be integrated with other digital systems.
© 2022 Positive Impact Commerce